Monday, June 25, 2012

The beginning...

I just turned 29.  

Luckily, turning 29 didn't really bother me - in fact, it was pleasant.  Lots of people mentioned that "30 is really the big one", and that didn't really bother me, either.

It seems to me that the cliche that "your 30's are the new 20's" is actually quite true.  I feel like my 30's are going to be fantastic - we're more financially secure, I am more comfortable in my own skin, we're more settled overall, but also more open to new opportunities...what's not to love about my 30's?

Maybe more cellulite, or slower metabolism?  Maybe. Or maybe getting into a rut because we're more steady/routine?  Yeah, maybe that, too.

So while I pondered having one year until I turn 30, I decided that this year is a terrific time to be the healthiest I've ever been.  I am not into body building.  I don't really want to lose weight, my weight is good.  I won't ever stop eating cookies entirely.  I just want to feel great, and to be healthy from the inside out.  I want to begin my 30's in the best way possible.  

Wellness, for me, is many-pronged.  It involves:
Physical fitness
Emotional well-being
Mental stimulation
Relational well-being

So while I'm not creating a strict everyday routine for myself for the next year, I am going to be focusing on things that make me WELL.  I am going to make an effort to chronicle my journey of wellness here, more for myself than anything, but if others read along and benefit somehow, that's absolutely OK.

Here's to a year of wellness...



  1. Good goals for year 29! Your 30s are only as bad as you make them. The best thing about it has been caring less about what others think.

  2. I already don't care too much what others think, but I care a lot about what myself thinks...I hope that doesn't make me a jerk!
