One of my weaknesses (in the past) has been fast food...there were times when a McDonald's burger or some KFC just sounded so GOOD. And it was simple, so I ate it. Pretty often. I never really got fat, I guess, but those meals, yummy as they were, never made me feel great.
It does take a long time to break a habit - I've read more than once that the science of the brain reveals that it takes doing something for a full month to make it a habit (and vice versa, takes NOT doing something for a month to BREAK a habit). Over the past couple of years, I've been cooking more and more. I've actually developed some recipes. From my brain!
And now, I'm finally to a place where I usually prefer to come home and cook than to grab fast food. There will always be times when I have to pop through a drive-thru, and some moments when I'll probably crave it and grab it. But my general habit has shifted to buying lots of groceries and cooking at home. That's a plus! My cooking tends to be simple and clean - not a lot of ingredients, but fairly natural and wholesome ones. (Except for the rare occasion when I just want fish sticks. Don't judge!)
This is one habit I am proud of, and I feel better due to its effects. Eating out less saves us money, and makes us really enjoy those outings when we go for them - plus, the money saved on fast food means we can splurge on better meals when we do go out. Score.
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