Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Year to Best: Act #25 - Face a Truth About Myself

I am a Gemini.  I can't put it better than this, so I quote from a website:
"Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and Gemini can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change."

This occasionally creates some confusion, even within myself.  It is possible that I may be a MEGA-Gemini, with more than just two natures, really.  In the past, I have disliked this about myself.  I could be entirely into a certain idea, item, or style one day, and two days later, completely love its opposite.  Confusing.  I think I've just recently come to terms with this, and accepted it.

So, I confess...my moods can change.  I don't have a personal style.  Some days I enjoy dressing elegantly, other days I don't want to leave my yoga clothes. Some days I feel like wearing glasses, plaid, and my Converse, others I want to wear skirts and heels.  There is no science to it.  Some days I want nothing to do with TV, preferring to read or write.  Other days, I love to veg out with some Fashion Police or TV dramas.  My musical tastes vary so wildly that they don't even seem to make sense...I may love classical and jazz today, pop and R&B tomorrow, and musical soundtracks the next.  I am not mainstream, but I am mainstream.  Sometimes people think I am "cool", other times they think I'm weird.  I like to buy healthy, organic food to cook, but I also love a Steak 'n Shake burger.  Sometimes I need to get out and be social, and sometimes I need to simply be alone.

Common sense says that a lot of people could be like me...but most of my friends do have a norm.  I sometimes envy their strong convictions that do not waver, their strong sense of personal style, their solid routines.  I know my varying-ness is taken to a strange level sometimes.  Occasionally, it makes me wonder (not in a pitiful way, but in a "wow" way) how people can love me if they never know what to expect from me?  Does that confuse the people in my life?  Do they see me as shallow and never-settled, instead of simply dual-natured?  

I'm really not sure.  The wonderful thing about my personal Air sign is that while I may be dual-natured and in the air often, there is always a solid ground below me of people I really love...people I know will love me even as I move from one idea to the next in a matter of days.  If they love me, I know they will boost me and enjoy my flight, never trying to tether or ground me (without very good reason, at least).  In a way, these people are (MAJOR CHEESEBALL MOMENT...) "the wind beneath my wings"!  Yeah, I just went there.

This is progress for me.  Learning, accepting, loving myself just as I am, which allows me to love others better.  Progress.  It's good.

Year to Best: Act #24 - Try Something New

I am (hopefully) trying lots of new things during this year to being my absolute best...the most recent new-ish fun was zip-lining with my office mates!  We typically have a summer outing each year, but it's just so HOT here.  This year we had a spring picnic and a fall outing instead...much more comfortable.  

Banning Mills is maybe an hour from Atlanta, and the autumn foliage was beautiful.  We only did Level 1 zip-lining, and now I definitely want to go back and do all the levels.  It's a pretty great rush to be up in the trees (or above them), zipping along at high speeds.  Totally worth the drive out there!  Glad I added it to this year....


Year to Best: Act #23 - Go out!

I am 29.  That is not old.  In the grand scheme of life, I am still very young.  And yet, sometimes I live like I'm 65 - in bed by 10 with a book. I admit I enjoy the early bedtime, but occasionally it's nice to get out and be young.  Go wherever friends lead me.  Have drinks.  Stay out late.  Make friends.  

So when my sister came into town a couple of weekends ago and wanted to go out, I went. It happened to be PRIDE weekend in Atlanta, so lots of people were out with us.  We met up with friends for margaritas before heading to an Atlanta institution (Joe's on Juniper).  And guess what?  (I bet you guessed right.)  It was a mega-fun evening. We got to see friends, make new friends, and generally enjoy our evening for no good reason other than to enjoy it.  Be happy to be happy.  It was a simple, but effective, reminder for me that sometimes I just need to suck it up, shave my legs, and go out.  Here's to remembering that.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Year to Best: Act #22 - Oh, The Places I Go

I love to travel.  I especially love to travel somewhere NEW.  Perhaps it's my personality, or perhaps it's a generational thing, but the world feels like my playground.  Most any location seems easily open to exploration and experience, and I can think of very few places I wouldn't like to see at least once.

I know lots of people feel this way, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Money needs to be spent on home, cars, kids, life.  C'est la vie.  

But this year, I knew I was feeling stagnant and needed to get back to traveling and experiencing new places.  I committed to saving the funds.  I decided that I'd go alone if that worked out best, and this time, that was the best plan.  I booked my tour.  I was totally excited.

And my excitement was merited - I had a fabulous trip.  Spain had been calling my name for quite a few years.  I had no idea why.  I was able to see some of the big Spanish cities, and some of the small ones as well.  The big plus was that I also got to visit Portugal...and it turns out, I think I like Portugal better than Spain!  It's not quite as showy, but the people are nice, they speak better English, food is delish, towns are lovely.  I would certainly go back.

The major interesting things in Spain are (to me):
1. The amazing history
2. The unique culture

In terms of history, they have dated settlements in Spain back to the Neolithic age (we're talking cave paintings here!), through the Roman empire, Visigoths, Catholic conquerors, Medieval period, and so many other eras.  To be in places with that much old energy is strange and beautiful.

And as for culture...well, the Spanish might be the most laid-back people I've ever seen.  They are boisterous and social.  They seem more physically affectionate and emotional and romantic than Americans, in general.  They eat outside more often than they eat inside, so most every restaurant has patio seating.  They take their time.  They really do observe siesta time, when everything closes for a couple of hours in the afternoon.  They don't believe in very expensive wine, because even good wines have low prices there.  Are there negatives to this?  Sure - restaurant service can be slow, and evenings can be loud on busy streets.  People might not be as motivated or ambitious (I'm really not sure, that's only a guess). Regardless, it's a lovely culture, with some great towns - especially for retirement!

One other note - some people prefer to visit a new country and simply explore on their own.  I typically prefer to maximize my time and money and travel with a tour group.  Cosmos was the company I used, and it was pretty terrific.  Once booked, I didn't have to worry about airfare, hotels, transportation, entrance fees to some of the sites, and about half my meals - all taken care of.  Being on the tour also meant the chance to meet new people and a great guide to answer questions and help with the occasional translation and provide good tips/directions.  It turned out great, and I will likely travel with them again on one of their many trips.

So, did this trip contribute to my overall well-being?  Absolutely, in many ways, but mostly mental and emotional, for sure.  Well worth it!  Next time, maybe some of you can join me?